Tuesday, April 26, 2011

3 Things you Must Know for Effective Acne Scar Treatment

3 Things you Must Know for Effective Acne Scar Treatment

In this article, I will help you first understand how acne scars form and reveal 3 keys things/facts you must know before you go for any acne scar treatment. Having acne is not uncommon, if not unavoidable, to any one of us. What is more annoying actually is the companion results � those permanent read marks and scars left behind even we revolve the acne condition. So what should we do about it?

Fact #1: How Do Acne Scars Happen?

Before we dive into the solution, let’s look at the cause of the problem. When a pore becomes blocked and acne bacteria begins to multiply in the pore, your body tries to dislodge the blockage by attacking it like an infection. As the oil gland continues to produce oil, and the acne bacteria continues to multiply, the pain follows. At this time, the acne pimple or “pustule” forms. If the blockage becomes too large, or even worse, you pick and press on the pimple, collegian fibers in your skin that surround can be damaged. The damaged fibers can’t be healed even when the pore finally does heal. There will be a red mark left behind or a deeper indentation know as a “pock mark”.

Fact #2: Prevent Acne Scarring

Please notice that I am not saying “prevent acne” – it is not possible, especially in nowadays where environment pollution, working/studying pressure and disordered meal structure are becoming a norm in life. What is more important is to prevent acne scarring. Obviously the key here is NOT to pick at acne blemishes or squeeze them no matter how tempting it is! Rather, steam the area using a hot wash cloth until the pore opens and releases the contents. This can take multiple sessions of up to half an hour apiece. Well worth the investment of time to prevent a scar from occurring. At the mean time, other means like using tea tree oil to attack acne spots, going on a cleanse, addressing candida yeast overgrowth can all help stop acne.

Face #3: Acne Scar Treatment/Removal

Do note that there are a number of methods to remove and lighten acne scarring, some are proven effective, some are not. Here I am going to share the facts with you.


This is an pretty traditional/old way of fixing acne scars � re-damage the entire surface of the skin and let it scab over and heal, revealing a more even skin surface. This is actually a medical procedure (dermabraision). During the process, the skin surface is essentially sanded down mechanically removing the outer layer of skin, much like a bad scrape or rug burn, only over a large area. Because it is a medical process, it is proven to be effective to a lot of people as a acne scar treatment solution. However, It has risks associated with it of additional scarring and infection. A lot of people who had this procedure also get a discoloration line from where the treated skin meet the untreated area. Oh yes.. Have I mentioned the cost involved? This painful process will let you a few days or even weeks in hospital � which will cost you thousands of dollars easily.

Skin Peels

This is referring to use some chemical acid to achieve the same end result as dermabrasion, but do it as a controlled chemical burn. They do not go as deep as dermabraision but do remove the outer layers of skin. The skin then “crusts” over and within a period of a few weeks peels off. The process needs to be repeated several times to achieve good results. Chemical peels do work well for some but are expensive and still carry further scarring and infection risks. One other area to be aware of is if you have darker skin they have been known to cause discoloration in some individuals. If you chose this method be sure to insist on a spot test on the inside of your arm for any allergic or other negative reaction you might have before anyone puts any chemical on your face. Do it before each time you get a peel treatment, as reactions can show up, even after never having a problem before. These treatments can be expensive so shop around and check references.

Laser Treatment

This is a relatively new technology for acne scar treatment and in some cases laser treatments have shown promise in reducing redness and lightening scars. The laser stimulates the skin cells and the result is a “plumping” up of the area treated. With that said, this technology is still being developed but does offer some hope for future skin treatments. Laser treatments are very expensive and beware of any over reaching promises. Just keep in mind that acne scar treatments are rarely given with a money back option if they don’t work like a product would.

Natural Treatment

So far there is only ONE patented non-chemical skin peel designed and approved for use in the home. It works on all skin types and colors no matter your background and does not have any type of pain, downtime, or risk of infection or scarring. This treatment is invented by Chris Gibson and detailed explained in his book “Acne Free in 3 Days”. I will explain this in another article.

For any effective acne scar treatment, the above 3 things are essential for you to know. Know how acne scar forms, prevent it from happening and finally choose right treatment for best results and minimum risks.

To get tips and and proven techniques for effective acne scar treatment, visit Fade Acne Scar

Archer Goodchap specializes in acne treatment and acne scar removal. He write articles constantly to review acne products and share experiences with readers worldwide. His personal website�Fade Acne Scar is free for subscribers.

Article from articlesbase.com

Acne and How I fade the Scars for cheap

Question from angelicattt: What is the best method of clearing acne with “treatments?”?
I wanna get “blue light theropy” or something, I don’t have really bad acne, but i do have ocd which makes anything subject to me making worse!! I also have some scarring to re-surface… any suggestions… horror storys… great results??

Best answers:

Answer by Jane S
I used to have really bad acne right from my teenage years . It was pretty embarassing to go to college with my acne patched face and I was desperate to get rid of it somehow. I took plenty of efforts to keep my face clean all the time and also ate nutritious food and drank lots of water. None of it helped though. I then recently read an article about a lady who got rid of her acne completely using a particular acne product. I tried it and it worked really well. Within 4 weeks my acne was hardly visible. Really good stuff. You can read more about the lady's article at the link below.


Answer by sandra208822
I think it is better to use natural remedies, because they have not side effects
Try to use orange peel : apply it on affected areas.
Apply lemon juice on affected areas
Use fenugreek leaves
good luck

Answer by JeeYa
Acne Vitamin Treatment
Two vitamins, namely, niacin and vitamin A have been used successfully to treat acne. Vitamin therapy should comprise the intake of 100 mg niacin, three times daily, and 50,000 international units of vitamin A, three times daily. Vitamin E, 400 mg, should be taken once daily. Continue this therapy for a month.

Zinc Treatment for Acne
Zinc is another effective remedy in the area of nutrition that seems to offer new promise of help for acne. It has shown dramatic results in some cases. Take zinc in therapeutic doses of 50 mg three times a day. Zinc is available in tablet and in capsule form. In tablet form, it is available as Zinfet – 200 mg (Yash Pharma, Bombay). The patient can take a quarter tablet so as to get 50 mg of zinc. In capsule form, zinc is available as Ulseal 220 mg (Tam Pharmaceuticals). One-fourth of the powder inside the capsule can be taken as a single dose. The patient can take a dose of 50 mg daily upto one month or till there is noticeable improvement and then reduce the dose to 25 mg.

Orange Peel Remedy for Acne
Homemade Acne Treatment with orange peel has been found very effective. Pound the orange peel with water on a piece stone and apply on acne affected areas.

Lemon Cure for Acne
A simple remedy at home for acne: Apply lemon juice regularly to reduce pimples and acne. This has proven beneficial results

Garlic Remedy for Acne
Garlic has been used successfully to cure acne. Rub with raw garlic several times a day. Garlic is known to cure the toughest of acne problems. The external use of garlic helps to clear the skin of spots, pimples and boils. To cure acne further, eat three seeds of raw garlic once daily for a month. This purifies the blood stream and ensures basic cleansing of blood & keeps acne away.

Coriander and Mint Juice Therapy for Acne
A teaspoon of coriander juice, mixed with a pinch of turmeric powder, is another effective home remedy for pimples and blackheads. Apply mixture on the face after thoroughly washing it every night before retiring. Use mint juice in a similar manner as coriander juice.

Acne Fenugreek Treatment
Fenugreek is another useful remedy for acne. Make a paste of fenugreek leaves and apply over the face every night before going to bed. Wash off with warm water in the morning. This prevents pimples and blackheads.

Acne Cucumber Treatment
Grated cucumber applied over the face, eyes, and neck for fifteen to twenty minutes has been found effective. It is the best tonic for your complexion. Its regular use prevents pimples and blackheads.

Acne diet
Acne : Home Remedies suggested by users
All-fruit Acne diet
To begin with, the patient should take only an ‘all-fruit’ diet for a week, taking three meals a day, of fresh juicy fruits, such as apples, pears, grapes, grapefruit, pineapples, and peaches. Only unsweetened lemon or plain water, either hot or cold, should be drunk and nothing else.

Well-balanced Acne diet
After the one-week, all-fruit diet, the patient can gradually adopt a well-balanced diet with emphasis on raw foods, especially fresh fruit and vegetables, sprouted seeds, raw nuts, and wholegrain cereals, particularly millet and brown rice. Further short periods of the ‘all-fruit’ diet for three days or so may be necessary at a monthly interval till the skin’s condition improves.

Avoid strong tea/coffee, soft drinks and processed foods
Meats, sugar, strong tea or coffee, condiments, pickles, soft drinks, candies, ice cream, refined and processed foods should be avoided as far as possible.

Other Acne natural treatments
Warm-water enema
During the initial one week ‘all-fruit’ diet, a warm-water enema taken daily cleanses the bowels. Apply hot fomentation locally to open up the pores and to bring out the waste matter. Then rinse the affected parts with cold water.

Hot Epsom salts bath
A hot Epsom salts bath twice a week is beneficial in all cases of acne. This bath is prepared by adding 1 � kg of Epsom salts to 60 litres of water having a temperature of about 37.8� C. The patient should remain in the bath tub for 25-35 minutes till he sweats freely. After the bath, the patient should cool off gradually.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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