Thursday, April 28, 2011

Pimple Scars � How to Treat and Prevent Them

Pimple Scars – How to Treat and Prevent Them

Pimple scars are a form of semi-permanent scarring that are usually the legacy of multiple, long term acne outbreaks. Numerous pimple scars can impact a person’s well-being and self-confidence.

How To Prevent Pimple Scars

Prevention is generally better than cure. To avoid getting pimple scars in the first place, you should not squeeze a spot until the head has properly and fully formed. Only then should you attempt to pop it.

The best way to get rid of the waste product in your spots, when they are ready to be extracted, is to use a sterilised needle and to then apply an anti-bacterial ointment or wash afterwards.

The main reason that people get pimple scars in the first place is because they have squeezed a spot and the surrounding skin like crazy, well before they should have done. This is usually a short term attempt to hide their acne but the long term result is the opposite.

How To Treat Pimple Scars

First of all, never pick at scabs. Picking at scabs is a guaranteed way of getting a scar. Scabs will naturally fall off when they are ready to so resist any temptation to pick at them, no matter how itchy they may feel.

Secondly, all scars will fade over time. This holds true whether your scar is a result of acne or whether it is due to surgery or some accident. You can also help accelerate this process.

Vitamin E oil has long been known to be helpful for reducing the impact of scars. You can either buy it in bottled form or as a capsule. If you can only obtain the latter then you need only prick the capsule so that you can squeeze out the oil. Rub the oil into the affected area once a day for a couple of months.

Aloe vera is also well known for helping to remove all scars and not just acne ones. It possesses natural skin lightening properties and will help to blend the scar with your natural skin tones.

If you have an extreme case of pimple scars where an entire surface such as your face or back is covered in scars, and the above treatments do not work as effectively as you had hoped, then you can consider laser treatment as a last resort. Laser treatment takes several sessions, is expensive and there is also some pain involved. However, the treatment is extremely effective.

Wylan is the webmaster of Home Acne Treatments and is currently in the process of reviewing the top English writing software.

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