Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Getting rid of scars, naturally! How my quest to get rid of my scars ended in SUCCESS!

Getting rid of scars, naturally! How my quest to get rid of my scars ended in SUCCESS!

Getting rid of scars: for some people it may sound pointless, but for people such as myself it’s definitely a big deal. I had a horrible scar on my leg from a biking accident, and its effects on my body image were terrible! I was so embarassed of my scar that I never wore shorts, even in the hottest summer days; well, last Spring I decided I’d had enough of feeling like a scarred freak, and I resolved doing something about it! Since I can’t afford the most expensive solutions (such as plastic surgery), I had to scour the Internet for information that would help me to get rid of my scars… and after going through a lot of trial and error, I did succeed in this self-proclaimed mission of scar removal.

When it comes to natural ways of reducing scars, there are actually several options most people are unfamiliar with: mostly these options involve using grocery products which are widely available, some of which you’re quite likely to find within your household. If you want to get started getting rid of scars, I recommend trying to massage your scar with honey, aloe vera or lemon juice. I’ve written a post on getting rid of scars in my blog, detailing each method – go ahead and check it out! However, you should know beforehand that some of these methods don’t work for everyone, and furthermore, they are not the most effective natural methods of scar removal available.

After reading hundreds of webpages on how to get rid of my scars, I actually managed to fade my ugly scar just a little bit. But it wasn’t until I learned about the ultimate scar solution, that I realized what I was doing wrong, as well as figuring out the most efficient natural methods of scar removal. After reading this ebook I feel I’m an expert on this subject… and rightfully so: even some of my close friends have benefited from this knowledge, as I instructed them on the most appropriate natural procedures towards getting rid of scars. I won’t elaborate on these methods here, but make sure to check my scar removal blog if you want to know more.

I used to feel like a freak because I had an ugly scar on my leg; most people didn’t think it was so terrible, but for me it was a big deal!

After doing lots of research, I learned everything there is to know on removing scars – now I’ve decided to create a blog on this subject, to help other people who have similar problems.

If you feel ashamed of your scars, you should KNOW there’s indeed HOPE, and an effective solution may actually be simpler than you imagine!

Article from articlesbase.com

Question from gaby: How do you get rid of acne scars?
Here’s the deal: if you touch my face (cheeks) they feel nice and smooth, but once you look at it you can see all these dots, from acne of course. They’re like little dark spots. It’s quite embarassing. How do I get rid of them? If I had to wait for them to go away “naturally” how long would I have to wait? Or is there some kind of special cream or acid that can help speed up the process? Would I need a doctor to give some kind of product? I’d appreciate the answers very much!

Best answers:

Answer by Goadzo
Dark spots are blackheads. They are not dirt but what happens when keratin and sebum gets exposed to oxygen it turns dark.

There are some beauty products that you moisten, apply to your skin, and then when you peel it off it takes blackheads with it. Try that.

Answer by Chumaosib
Retin a cream may help your acne scars. Many people have had great results getting rid of their acne scars using retin a. You need to keep using it though as results do not start to show for a few months.

Answer by Masielon
There is no magic pill to get rid of these scars for you. You can help nature by eating healthy, sleeping enough, and drinking lots of water. Even this might not remove ALL the scars. Love yourself the way you are and other will too.

Add your own answer in the comments!

More Get Rid Of Scars Naturally Articles


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