Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Facial Scar Treatment Techniques

Facial Scar Treatment Techniques

Facial scars are quite common and can become very annoying for a lot of people. These scars drastically change your appearance and tend to make heads turn and not in a good way. These scars could be recent or very old and can be disgusting reminders of a particular traumatizing event. The desire for facial scar treatment is something that is noticed by many companies who in turn use their skills to produce products that may help in the process of removing them and giving you back the life you had.

The geometric rearrangement of scars refers to changing the straight line of a scar to an irregular one. This process is mainly advantageous if the scar intrudes on the natural skin creases for example, a vertical scar on the forehead. Scars that run obliquely to these natural skin creases, otherwise known as RSTL (relaxed skin tension lines) are not only very clear to the eye but can become a lot more obvious with facial expressions. This process is called scar line rearrangement and can be done in many different geometric patterns known as runnings, w-plasty z-plasty, and a few other letters of the alphabet all of which serve to break up a straight line and make it distort less with wrinkling and facial movements. Such scar techniques have been here for many years and they are not new. They are tested and true methods of plastic surgery.

It is important that the individual who wishes to have facial scar treatment would be doing this procedure to decrease the obvious appearance of a scar. There is no magic eraser that can completely remove scars from the body. Despite all the hype on the market of many scar removing products and technologies, the reality is that scar excision remains the most efficient treatment for many facial scar problems. Cutting out the scar and placing it back together is the most effective strategy for many scar problems. Quite often it is not what most patients want to hear but more times than not, this are the most effective facial scar treatment strategies.

Depending upon the type of scar one possess and its position on the face (orientation), geometric rearrangement and narrowing are the best method for lowering the scar’s appearance. One of the biggest issues that any individual may face when considering scar excision and geometric rearrangement is that he or she must take a step back to move forward. It is a commitment of patience and time. The scar must be cut out and closed and go through many months of intense healing before the final result will be shown. As all scars go through a redness phase, this may mean up to two years to get to where you want to be. This process of scar maturation, however, is where some modern technologies such as pulsed light therapies may be very beneficial. They are capable of making the scar mature and in return settle down faster. Even if it is just a few months of shortening the process it would be considered a benefit by most people.

To learn more about natural facial scar treatment and how to permanently get rid of facial scars, check out DigitalScarTreatment.com It’s all natural and guaranteed to outperform any expensive scar removal cream.

Article from articlesbase.com

Question from Kim Davis: How long would a facial wound take to heal?

So lets say, hypothetically, that someone acquired a pair of wounds like the ones on the Joker’s face (The “smiling scars” from his father pulling a knife through his cheek as a kid). If they got stitches within a few hours of the incident, but weren’t 100% diligent about caring for the stitches, how long would it take for:

a. The stitches to be okay to come out

b. The wounds to scab

c. The sensitive, not-quite-scar-tissue kind of skin to build

d. Scars to form

Also, would the wounds mess up any major facial nerves?

Okay, I’m not asking how the Joker got his scars or anything like that; that was just to give you an idea of what I was talking about.

I’m asking how long the healing process would take, and how badly damaged the facial nerces would be

Best answers:

Answer by Allaiyah W
In the comics (Batman: Lovers & Madmen) it was Batman who was responsible for the Joker’s scars (which are not actually scars but stitches from a couple of clean batterang tosses to the face that split his cheeks wide open). The Joker is notorious for lying about his origins & never tells them the same way twice.

Scars like that would eventually heal into smooth hairless nonporous thin red or white skin that does not blend in with surrounding tissues. They would never regain the appearance of normal healthy flesh, they are permanent.

See right side of image for what a healed scar looks like. http://www.smartex-balkan.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/Keloid-Scar.png

Joker’s stitches in the comics (Batman RIP) did mess up his facial nerves, so that he has a permanent smile (of course sometimes the artists forget this & draw him with his lips closed without making it look like he’s struggling to do so. I pity the first guy to draw him frowning).

Before he was the Joker: http://media.comicvine.com/uploads/2/27775/635566-the_joker_s_scars.png

New stitches: http://media.comicvine.com/uploads/2/27775/631995-631407_batman__001_super.jpg

What do you think? Answer below!

More Facial Scars Articles


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