Monday, March 21, 2011

How One Can Disguise Hideous Marks Using Scar Creams

Image by Jaimie Ramsay

How One Can Disguise Hideous Marks Using Scar Creams

Are there scars on any portion of your body that you anxiously would like to get rid of?

It’s just about natural to want scars wiped out. There isn’t any other choice for marks but to eliminate them. You can’t bear to live your entire life having the hideous marks of earlier events like trauma or accidents.

As young kids, it’s all but normal to suffer scrapes, cuts, and wounds caused by falling down a bike or taking a nasty fall while playing.

Some people have had surgeries during their early years, and most of the times, these surgical procedures will leave a mark on the skin–scars. Others are afflicted with certain skin conditions that eventually form into a scar.

There are several reasons for developing scars. And no matter how traumatic or trivial they are, it doesn’t take away the fact that the traces they leave behind are going to be long-lasting and can have severe effects on a person.

People say time cures all pains and awful memories, but when they leave permanent marks, then they’ll never fully heal. You could be looking at the rest of your life with these scars.

What’s worse is that they can cause you extreme mental and emotional stress. We all know how people can be rude to those with scars on their faces and other parts of the body, right?
Scars might also make you feel very insecure. When you’ve got scars on totally exposed parts of your body, you’re certainly going to receive chuckles and mean remarks from individuals you meet. If not for those scars, you won’t have to contend with other people’s rudeness.

This is the reason most people look out for methods to mask hideous scars, if not completely erase them.

There are, thankfully, a lot of approaches you can do to mask those hideous marks and keep them from other people’s sights.

Scar creams are the number 1 products persons afflicted with scars utilize to mask hideous marks on their body. These creams are impressive since they are designed to help reduce the appearance of scar tissues on the body.

Scar creams are made from several ingredients that work not only in clearing away scar tissues but also in nourishing the skin so it gets a lot healthier.

Some of those substances are the following:

Vitamin C – everyone should know that ascorbic acid assists in keeping the skin glowing and healthy. It also aids in improving immunity so that you are not at risk from getting infections that may result in wound scars. This vitamin may also enhance collagen production in the skin.

Collaxyl – this substance can help enhance skin cell regrowth.

Vitamin B3 and its derivatives – Vitamin B3 is crucial in avoiding scarring by lowering the chances of infection if you receive cuts or wounds. A derivative of this vitamin, niacinimide, will help halt inflammation and nourish the skin.

With the right scar cream, you will never have to worry about hideous marks on your skin-ever.

Are you scared you’ll be scarred for life? It’s time to find the right and effective scar removal treatment to get rid of those ugly skin marks. Don’t let scars take control of your life. Scar creams can help you achieve the smoother skin you’ve always dreamed of.

Article from

Body of Scars

Price: $ 0.99

Question from Michael P: Is there a syphillis Infection that doesnt need treatment?

I was diagnos positive with syphillis with RPR of 1:1.

i consulted a doctor, but he said I dont need treament because the STI is already like a “scar” on my body. He use the word scar which confuses me. Is it like a scar in a way that the infection was not alreadfy fatal to me, thats why I dont need treament, or he uses the word “scar” because the infection on my body cannot be treated and Im just waiting for my “time”. He even told me that I dont have to be afraid. But still, im puzzled, I think I should be injected with G-penicillin. Is my doctor telling the truth? Or is he lying to me so that I wont get worried about my situation.

Pls I need a professional opinion about this. Thanks!

Best answers:

Answer by Stefani
He is a doctor so He shouldn’t be lying to you. I would trust him, but if you are really worried you should go get a second opinion from another doctor.

Answer by reachel
Don’t worry. If the doctor said it like a “scar” on your body. It means that it is no jeopardy. it will not affect you body health.

Answer by redrosediane
According to my source, if the syphillis is less than one year then you need one shot of penicillin–if you are allergic to penicillin–please tell the doctor. If the syphillis is more than a year–you have to have 3 injections. I would get the treatment because syphillis comes back years later and is called latent syphillis which can affect many organs including the heart. I have personally seen one of my patients actually go blind. Go to another doctor–esp. one that is specialized in infectious diseases!

Answer by Herb
RPR is a blood test which tests for the antibodies in the blood formed against syphillis. A score of 1:1 basically means a very low level which usually indicates previous exposure to Syphillis plus treatment. If it were 1:4 or higher (dilution until undetected) then it would normally indicate active infection. The RPR stays positive for a long time even after treatment – did u receive treatment before? I recommend you test again in 3 months and check for othe STDs too. Hope this helps

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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