Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Some Amazing Tips to Reduce Scarring Caused by Acne

Can I prevent or reduce scarring?

Some Amazing Tips To Reduce Scarring Caused By Acne

Its an unfortunate fact that a lot of people who suffer from acne will end up with scarring as a result. The majority of sufferers just get on with life and learn to accept the scarring, but most people might be surprised to learn that this doesnt need to be the case as its possible to reduce scarring due to acne in a number of ways. I have decided to compile a short list of my 5 top tips for combatting the effects of acne.

Before we get going though, please consult a doctor if you have any doubts about these tips, remember that what is suitable for one sufferer may not be suitable in your case.That said, lets get going.

1. The anti-inflammatory properties of Aloe Vera are well recognised. You should apply Aloe juice or Aloe Vera based cream to the affected aeas at least twice daily.
This will help reduce scarring and hep to heal the lesions caused by the Acne.

2. Another great natural product is Vitamin E.Very gentle to your skin, this substance can be used in capsule or oil formats.Regular use will rapidly reduce scarring and remove blemishes.

3. Use a potato! No I’m not kidding.Slice the potato and lay the slices onto your skin.Leave them there for about half an hour and then remove, wash your face and allow the skin to dry naturally.

4. A mixture of lemon juice and rosewater works wonders. First get a bowl and mix equal quantities of these together.You need to apply the mixture to your skin and leave it for about 30 minutes.Rinse and then repeat the process again over a 15 day period for best results.Blemishes scarring and even the acne itself will all be dramatically reduced by this method.

5. Of course, modern medicine offers a number of solutions to help reduce scarring in acne sufferers. Laser treatment and a process called microdermabrasion are both currently very popular. Both methods enhance the complexion by removing a thin layer of skin from the top.Safe and relatively painless they are still a last resort for many people due to their high cost and the fact that they are not a natural treatment.

Hopefully these tips have proved useful to you, and have shown that its not necessary to live with unsightly acne scars.Always remember that no matter how bad your skin may seem there are many natural treatments that you can apply to reduce scarring and get your healthy complexion back.

My cousin was a lifetime sufferer from acne scarring but made remarkable progress recently due to the help they got from a guide called The Scar Solution. You can read about their experience on the website and how they managed to become scar free for the first time in years.

Article from

Question from Apropos: Homeopathic Arnica promoted by Surgeons?

Thenoseknowsnothing writes:

“Plastic surgeons routinely use homeopathic remedies like Arnica and Hypericum to reduce swelling and pain.”

I can confirm that some surgeons do recommend “Arnica”. I had some routine surgery a few years ago and the surgeon did offer me a tube of “Arnica” to “reduce scarring.” (His office manager had a side-business selling various altmed remedies…).

The thing is, this was a homeopathic preparation (according to the label). I showed the surgeon that homeopathic remedies contained zero active ingredients. He was shocked � he didn’t know. He had assumed this Arnica was some kind of rational preparation of the the arnica plant, and that “60X/30C” was some kind of percentage.

So, while it’s true some surgeons recommend non-prescription “Homeopathic Arnica”, it’s also true they don’t know what’s in the cream (or more accurately, what’s not in the cream).

Should patients inform their physicians/surgeons when they make irrational recommendation of homeopathic medicines, or should they just walk away and find another doctor?

Best answers:

Answer by Kate

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