Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Best Scar Treatment: Scar Gels, Scar Creams, or Silicone Scar Sheeting?

The Best Scar Treatment: Scar Gels, Scar Creams, or Silicone Scar Sheeting?

If you have a scar, you have surely asked “what is the best scar treatment?” You probably asked this because you were aware that they are dozens of different scar treatments to choose from. There are topical scar creams, scar gels, silicone scar sheeting, and even laser treatments and surgery available in some cases. However, of all these options, it is important to find out which is the safest and most effective way to treat your scar before you decide on a scar treatment.

The answer is not always clear as there are a variety of different scars that may require different treatments. For example, the treatment required for a small scar that developed following a cut is much different than what is needed for substantial scarring that resulted from a severe burn. In fact, if you have serious, substantial scarring, it is in your best interest to consult with your health care provider or a dermatologist to inquire about potential treatment options. This is because this kind of scarring may require surgery or laser treatments which are only available via the recommendation of a health care provider.

However, for those with less serious scars such as surgery scars, scars from cuts, or even raised scars like Keloids, using a topical scar treatment will generally help diminish the size and color of your scar. For the purposes of this article, I will examine all three common, non-prescription topical scar treatment options: creams, gels, and sheeting.

Scar Sheeting

You may not be aware of this kind of scar treatment, but essentially these sheets are like band-aids that are made of silicone. Silicone is the single most effective ingredient used for treating scars. Those affected by scars place these sheets over their scar and allow the silicone to not only protect the scar from natural elements, but also to help the scar absorb moisture from surrounding areas of healthy skin. This in turn, allows the scar to heal quickly and safely.

Unfortunately, there are two main drawbacks from using this kind of scar treatment. The first is that much like band-aids, the sheeting may not fully conform to your skin when you move and may leave part of the scar exposed. The second problem is that these sheets are often the most expensive topical scar treatment.

Scar Creams

This kind of scar treatment also has positive and negative traits. For example, a positive trait of this kind of treatment is that scar creams generally help heal scars while remaining safe. However, they often have additional ingredients such as moisturizer or sun block. These extra ingredients allow companies who make scar creams to raise the price when in reality it would be less expensive to buy a scar treatment, wait for it to absorb, and then use a sun screen on top of the treated scar. Additionally, scar creams may also stain your clothes if you do not wait for it to absorb.

Scar Gels

This kind of scar treatment is essentially taking the best qualities of the two previous treatments and combining them into one. For example, scar gels are generally composed of 100% silicone just like scar sheeting. However, unlike silicone scar sheeting, once the gel is absorbed, it will naturally conform to your every movement, thus protecting and treating the scar at all times.

In addition, unlike scar creams, scar gels do not typically contain any additional ingredients which would distract from the effectiveness of the silicone. This is what makes scar gels the most cost effective topical scar treatment. You can always add sun screen on top of the scar once the gel absorbs.

In conclusion, the best scar treatment, according to my research, is a silicone based scar gel. It is not only the most effective topical scar therapy, but is also the most cost effective.

Stephen suggests using the topical scar treatment MEDscar to help diminish the size and color of scars.

Article from

Scar Treatment Silicone Disc 4.25 CM (1.6″) Diameter (2 Disc Per Package) for Round Scars Caused By Acne, Minor Cuts, Abrasions, Mole and Wart Removal, Skin Cancer Removal, Liposuction, Arthroscopic Surgery, Body Piercings (Ears, Nose) and Plastic Surgery Procedures to the Eyes, Chin or Ears. Excellent for Scar Management, Scar Therapy and Scar Removal.

  • Clinically proven scar management for all scars regardless of type and location

  • Eliminates itching and pain that so often accompanies problem scarring

  • Economical, save over gel products with superior results

  • Cost effective, easy to use, soft, pliable and durable medical grade silicone

  • Reusable and washable, just one sheet needed for up to 6 months of treatment

ReJuveness silicone sheeting is a FDA Class-1 medical device clinically proven and guaranteed to provide results with our non-invasive scar treatment. Topically applied ReJuveness has been shown to be effective for scar therapy in over 100 studies, regardless of the scar type, location, or age. An international panel of scientists and experts on scarring, reviewing all the studies and literature on available scar treatments, determined silicone sheeting to be a leading non-surgical evidence-base

Price: $ 29.95

Question from angelicattt: What is the best method of clearing acne with “treatments?”?

I wanna get “blue light theropy” or something, I don’t have really bad acne, but i do have ocd which makes anything subject to me making worse!! I also have some scarring to re-surface… any suggestions… horror storys… great results??

Best answers:

Answer by Jane S

I used to have really bad acne right from my teenage years . It was pretty embarassing to go to college with my acne patched face and I was desperate to get rid of it somehow. I took plenty of efforts to keep my face clean all the time and also ate nutritious food and drank lots of water. None of it helped though. I then recently read an article about a lady who got rid of her acne completely using a particular acne product. I tried it and it worked really well. Within 4 weeks my acne was hardly visible. Really good stuff. You can read more about the lady's article at the link below.

Answer by sandra208822
I think it is better to use natural remedies, because they have not side effects

Try to use orange peel : apply it on affected areas.

Apply lemon juice on affected areas

Use fenugreek leaves

good luck

Answer by JeeYa
Acne Vitamin Treatment

Two vitamins, namely, niacin and vitamin A have been used successfully to treat acne. Vitamin therapy should comprise the intake of 100 mg niacin, three times daily, and 50,000 international units of vitamin A, three times daily. Vitamin E, 400 mg, should be taken once daily. Continue this therapy for a month.

Zinc Treatment for Acne

Zinc is another effective remedy in the area of nutrition that seems to offer new promise of help for acne. It has shown dramatic results in some cases. Take zinc in therapeutic doses of 50 mg three times a day. Zinc is available in tablet and in capsule form. In tablet form, it is available as Zinfet – 200 mg (Yash Pharma, Bombay). The patient can take a quarter tablet so as to get 50 mg of zinc. In capsule form, zinc is available as Ulseal 220 mg (Tam Pharmaceuticals). One-fourth of the powder inside the capsule can be taken as a single dose. The patient can take a dose of 50 mg daily upto one month or till there is noticeable improvement and then reduce the dose to 25 mg.

Orange Peel Remedy for Acne

Homemade Acne Treatment with orange peel has been found very effective. Pound the orange peel with water on a piece stone and apply on acne affected areas.

Lemon Cure for Acne

A simple remedy at home for acne: Apply lemon juice regularly to reduce pimples and acne. This has proven beneficial results

Garlic Remedy for Acne

Garlic has been used successfully to cure acne. Rub with raw garlic several times a day. Garlic is known to cure the toughest of acne problems. The external use of garlic helps to clear the skin of spots, pimples and boils. To cure acne further, eat three seeds of raw garlic once daily for a month. This purifies the blood stream and ensures basic cleansing of blood & keeps acne away.

Coriander and Mint Juice Therapy for Acne

A teaspoon of coriander juice, mixed with a pinch of turmeric powder, is another effective home remedy for pimples and blackheads. Apply mixture on the face after thoroughly washing it every night before retiring. Use mint juice in a similar manner as coriander juice.

Acne Fenugreek Treatment

Fenugreek is another useful remedy for acne. Make a paste of fenugreek leaves and apply over the face every night before going to bed. Wash off with warm water in the morning. This prevents pimples and blackheads.

Acne Cucumber Treatment

Grated cucumber applied over the face, eyes, and neck for fifteen to twenty minutes has been found effective. It is the best tonic for your complexion. Its regular use prevents pimples and blackheads.

Acne diet

Acne : Home Remedies suggested by users

All-fruit Acne diet

To begin with, the patient should take only an ‘all-fruit’ diet for a week, taking three meals a day, of fresh juicy fruits, such as apples, pears, grapes, grapefruit, pineapples, and peaches. Only unsweetened lemon or plain water, either hot or cold, should be drunk and nothing else.

Well-balanced Acne diet

After the one-week, all-fruit diet, the patient can gradually adopt a well-balanced diet with emphasis on raw foods, especially fresh fruit and vegetables, sprouted seeds, raw nuts, and wholegrain cereals, particularly millet and brown rice. Further short periods of the ‘all-fruit’ diet for three days or so may be necessary at a monthly interval till the skin’s condition improves.

Avoid strong tea/coffee, soft drinks and processed foods

Meats, sugar, strong tea or coffee, condiments, pickles, soft drinks, candies, ice cream, refined and processed foods should be avoided as far as possible.

Other Acne natural treatments

Warm-water enema

During the initial one week ‘all-fruit’ diet, a warm-water enema taken daily cleanses the bowels. Apply hot fomentation locally to open up the pores and to bring out the waste matter. Then rinse the affected parts with cold water.

Hot Epsom salts bath

A hot Epsom salts bath twice a week is beneficial in all cases of acne. This bath is prepared by adding 1 � kg of Epsom salts to 60 litres of water having a temperature of about 37.8� C. The patient should remain in the bath tub for 25-35 minutes till he sweats freely. After the bath, the patient should cool off gradually.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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