Sunday, March 6, 2011

How to get rid of pimple scars? | An effective way to remove scarring, caused by pimples

How to get rid of pimple scars? | An effective way to remove scarring, caused by pimples

So, you want to know how to get rid of pimple scars, right? Nothing can be easier than that. Let’s first explain, why most ways, which people use in order to eliminate the scarring does not work. The most popular way to heal scars, is using vitamin creams, on the affected area. That does not work, simply because your body has not yet “decided” that there is a problem with your skin – so the vitamin supplements do speed up any healing that your body attempts to do, but the bad thing is – it doesn’t. Your body feels that it’s just fine, that you have tiny scars on your skin – it does not view it as a damage, or anything that needs to be repaired. Fortunately, that can be reversed, and pimple scars can be gotten rid of at home.

So, the way to get rid of the pimple scars, is simply by telling your body, that there is a problem. That can be achieved by many ways, but the easiest one is applying an easy to make at home natural substance, which is applied on the area. You can read more about this type of method, by visiting this page:

There are many people, who have pimple scarring, but do not wish to get rid of it. Sometimes, attempting to get rid of scarring is viewed as a lack of self esteem, especially in men. Nothing can be further from the truth. Why should you get rid of your pimple scars? Because you can, and you can do it very easily. It doesn’t get easier than that. Now, when a woman tries to get rid of her scars, that is viewed as normal, but most men do not want to face that they have a “looks problem”. More than anything, getting rid of the scars is done for yourself – not because you need to look pretty for other people’s sake.

So, let’s get back on the topic – how to get rid of pimple scars at home, quickly and effectively? Simply follow the instructions on the above web page. It explains a procedure, which anyone can perform at home, to get rid of their pimple scarring in about a month time. You may also choose, to go to a professional, to have your scars removed. That is all fine, but it is totally unnecessary – there is a lot of hype, surrounding this type of scarring, and most doctors will tell you that the only way to completely heal scars, is by plastic laser surgery. That is simply not true, and the reason for that type of thinking, is simply that many doctors are not aware of the constant innovations, made in this field.

But I have had the pimple scars for years, can I still get rid of them?

Of course. The problem is simply, that your body hasn’t yet started the process of healing – you can try all kinds of creams, but unless your body starts repairing the damage, all the vitamin supplements, or onion extracts in the world won’t be able to help you. The key is to enable your body to start repairing the damage – this is done by applying a solution on the areas, affected by pimple scars. Good luck, and great health!

Article from

How to Get Rid of Pimple Scars on the Face – Best Home Remedies for Facial Scars

Question from mrchocholatayy: How can i get rid of these “scars” left by pimples? ive had them for over a year now?

they’re located in between my eyebrows and in the mustache area. they’ve been there for a really long time and wont go away. what can i use? anything i can by at walmart or target etc? any oils, creams?

this is how it looks like:

Best answers:

Answer by Rachel
Go see a dermatologist.

As for a product, Clinique’s Spot Corrector is supposed to work well, but it’s expensive.

Add your own answer in the comments!

More Get Rid Of Pimple Scars Articles

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