Sunday, May 8, 2011

Digital Scar Treatment � How To Get Rid Of Pimple Scars

Digital Scar Treatment – How To Get Rid Of Pimple Scars

Scar can be a great distraction from an otherwise nice complexion. Of course, people who have pimple scars would definitely find a way to get rid of it. However, removing scars is not that simple, it varies greatly in ease and cost depending on the size and age of scar, though according to some people with consistent treatment it can be removed. So what is the best way to remove scars? Nowadays, most people prefer to look for a way on how to get rid of pimple scars naturally instead of using over the counter medications. There are natural ingredients that you can use and things that you can do for this purpose.

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Time and again, having a healthy diet has its numerous advantages. Consuming a healthy diet is very much required in order to facilitate the skin’s proper healing process. Proper nourishment will enable your skin to be better equipped to heal from scarring.


Massaging your scar is a great way on how to get rid of pimple scars naturally, it will enable to break thick scar tissue and increase circulation which is vital in allowing needed nutrients to easily reach the affected area. Massage your scar with firm pressure and in circular motion for at least two minutes three to four times a day.

Baking Soda and Olive Oil

Mix baking soda with water and massage it to your scars for about a minute twice a day. Then, rinse well with warm water and apply light layer of olive oil in order to help rejuvenate the tissue. This method will exfoliate the top layer of your skin and will eventually remove scar tissue.

Vitamin E

Ways on how to get rid of pimple scars naturally include application of vitamin E oil directly onto healing tissue two to three times everyday. Vitamin E is great in regenerating the skin while the gentle massage when applying the oil will lend a hand for new tissues to develop normally without forming a noticeable scar.

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