Tuesday, August 30, 2011

How to Get Rid of Pimple Marks Without Much Fuss

How to Get Rid of Zits

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How to Get Rid of Pimple Marks Without Much Fuss

A lot of teenagers, young people in their early 20s and also slightly older people lose a lot of sleep when it comes to acne, wondering how to get rid of pimple marks. However, there isn’t much to worry as there are numerous solutions that are available to such people. In fact, worrying leads them to trying out products, lotions and creams that could backfire. In scenarios where one wants to find out how to get rid of pimple marks, it is important not to experiment and use products or take advice based on expertise and reputation. Trying out different things could only worsen the situation further. Here are some tips for those concerned a lot about pimples and acne.

Consult a Dermatologist before Using Unknown Ointments and Creams

An experienced dermatologist will always be able to help you with plenty of advice and expertise over how to get rid of pimple marks. A dermatologist will give you advice based on the seriousness of your problems and the solutions that would suit your skin and acne level. Trying out various products on your own isn’t advisable and even if you do, it is good to consult the specialist in skincare so that your problem will subside quickly and without any side-effects. Products like Acnezine for example are reputable solutions that one use for their own benefits.


Avoid Oil and Bacteria

Those with an oily skin are highly susceptible to pimples and acne in general. It is important to avoid oiliness further. You could do so by washing the face with clear water every now and then. Using bar soaps that are not really natural and have a lot of chemicals isn’t advisable as they could lead to rashes or permanent scars. Using moisturizing creams and makeup isn’t really a great idea if they trap too much dirt and allow bacteria to multiply in the pimples. Even if you do use them, ensure that you clean them before heading off to bed. Similarly, ensure that you change your pillow cases and bed sheets ever so often as the oil or sebum produced by your skin gets passed on to those fabrics over a period of time too.

Natural Products

There are many natural products for those wondering how to get rid of pimple marks. In fact, these don’t have any negative effects and hence you need not be concerned that they will backfire. You can use tomato pulp orange peels and potato peels to treat pimples, pimple marks and scars. The juice from lemon patted on the face with a clean cloth or diluted before applying with rose water is also very effective. You need to wash it off after about 20 minutes. Cucumber juice softens the scars caused by pimples too. Other products that are quite helpful include almond oil and tea tree oil both of which are essential oils that will unclog pores and help in getting rid of pimple scars. A lot of herbal products are also available with anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that prove highly beneficial for the skin too. It is good to use natural solutions or reputed products like Acnezine instead of experimenting with hyper-marketed products that aren’t trustworthy.

To learn more about Acne, Pimples, Blackheads, click on the links.

Article from articlesbase.com

Question from Jayo-Fern Penny: The truth is I can’t get rid of this giant pimple naturally, or can I?
Guys, you’ve got to help me, please! Help me and all those people in need. I have a pimple and a “pimple pimple scar” Its like sometimes it’s a “scar” and sometimes it pops into a pimple. I really can’t find a way to treat these pimples (not acne) naturally. Anyone have good remedies and tips to get skin like this?


Best answers:

Answer by Banana<3
Nobody has skin like that, since it’s airbrused.
But honestly, it depends on your face. Nothing works for everybody.

Answer by Natalie
Well, I use the Clinique 3-Step Acne Treatment and it works really well. You just put all three on before bed and in the mornings and it’ll most likely clear up in two or three days. If you try this, I hope it works for you as good as it worked for me:)

What do you think? Answer below!

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Monday, August 29, 2011

Silicone Gel Implants: Why the Fda Re-approved Them

Silicone Gel Implants: Why the Fda Re-approved Them

Since late 2006, many women seeking breast augmentation surgery have been surprised to find that silicone gel breast implants returned to the U.S. marketplace as an accepted option. The reintroduction of silicone gel implants met with very little press, at least in relation to when they were initially banned in the early 1990’s. Silicone implants have long been regarded as the most natural looking implant devices available. Their return to the U.S. market is welcome news for plastic surgeons that provide, and American women who seek, breast augmentation surgery.

In the 1990’s, in response to several class action lawsuits against Dow-Corning, a major implant manufacturer, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) banned silicone breast implants for augmentation. Initially, silicone implants were not under the purview of the FDA. When medical device approval was added to the FDA’s job duties, silicone implants were grandfathered in, and were never extensively reviewed.

In the lawsuits against Dow-Corning, silicone gel implants were correlated with many physical maladies, including:

� Connective tissue disorder

� Rheumatoid arthritis

� Auto-immune disorders

� Increased risk of breast cancer

After the initial ban, silicone implants were still made available for reconstructive surgery, but were reclassified as investigational devices and subject to strict approval prior to full consideration.


Because of this reclassification, marketing of silicone breast implants in the U.S. dropped considerably. Saline, which is readily absorbed by the human body in the event of a leak, became the de-facto implant device available in the United States. Breast augmentation surgeries also declined in the U.S. because of the negative press surrounding the removal of silicone implants and because most women prefer the more natural appearance silicone implants offered. European countries continued to offer both saline and silicone options.

Silicone was open to reconsideration by the FDA under certain conditions. Companies wanting to market silicone products had to submit to a pre-market analysis, something that was not required previously since silicone implants were around prior to the FDA monitoring these products. After years of extensive study, the FDA finally approved silicone implant devices for augmentation for women age 22 and older, on November 17, 2006.

Using the case studies of reconstructive surgeries performed during the ban and data from Europe, where silicone was still in wide use, the FDA was able to conclude that silicone did not pose great risk for the various maladies that sparked the initial lawsuit. Almost half a dozen studies world wide, including the extensive studies by the FDA concluded that there is insufficient evidence to indicate silicone breast implants are a leading risk factor for any of the above-listed problems.

Since their findings, several companies have come forward for FDA approval, with two companies winning approval in 2005 and 2006.

The approved companies must conduct extensive studies of their patients over the next ten years following surgery to evaluate and report the status of their product. Deciding on whether to use silicone breast implants, or saline breast implants should still be based on a quantitative review of the patient’s need and expectations. FDA approval does not in anyway guarantee the safety of silicone devices, but their thorough investigation of the product, and informed consent documents by manufacturers Allergan and Mentor should help alleviate some of the irrational fear perpetuated by the media over the past fourteen years.

If you are considering breast augmentation, it is important that you speak to an experienced and knowledgeable cosmetic surgeon. Contact one in your area today for more information about breast augmentation surgery.

Article from articlesbase.com


How Do I Get Rid Of Acne Scars On My Face � Cheap And Effective Ways To Get Rid Of Stretch Mark, Pimples And Acne Scars

How Do I Get Rid Of Acne Scars On My Face – Cheap And Effective Ways To Get Rid Of Stretch Mark, Pimples And Acne Scars

I have lots of acne scars on my face, kind of pores and few deep once too. What should I do to get rid of them? I mean, how do I get rid of acne scars on my face? I am looking for cheap and effective ways that won’t cost that much.

This is a question that gets asked by so many people on the internet today, who have acne and would want to get rid of it. In this short article I will give you some few tips and tricks for getting rid of acne scars; – tips that are cheap and effective at the same time.

Ok here we go: This is a very safe, natural, minimal cost treatment that has worked wonders for me and many others who have tried it out in getting rid of acne, and all kinds of scars. It also rid my face of a mass of freckles.

Use any natural oil – almond, grape seed, olive are good. They are non comedogenic – so do not clog, cause pimples, acne and they lessen skin’s oil production. In 2 days 'will normalize enlarged pores. Nose responds more slowly but this will rid it of all pimples and reduce pores.


First, tighten skin by opening mouth 3/4″ and pulling lips firmly back against teeth. Vigorously massage daily. If build up to 15 to 30 minutes (can be in 2 or more sessions) you will get rapid results.

Do forward and back not circular massage. There is a knack, but to give you an idea � massage from chin point with front of entire hand (both hands together) up to cheek bones and back. In other areas you will do smaller sweeps using tips and front of fingers

Depending on how vigorous/how frequently you do, see clear diminishing in roughly 1 to 2 weeks then progress quickens. It WILL rid skin of acne and all scars. This has worked for many people. It’s a permanent cure. You can have a totally clear, healthy skin.

Bio-oil also helps with scars and stretch marks. After we had our daughter and my wife started losing weight, she got 5-7 stretch marks on my tummy and immediately started using the Bio-oil. It’s been 10 weeks now and you can barely tell they were even there at all. Also, where she had my belly button pierced 4 years ago there was a pretty bad scar from where it was ripped out and that’s pretty much faded to nothing.

On the next page, you’ll discover a book that will show you how to totally get rid of all your scars. The above suggestions might work in treating your scars, but what helped me the most in removing all my old unattractive scars were the secret strategies I learned from this Scar Removal Guide: Scar Solution Book.

This guide has some exciting and unique natural scar removal secrets that worked like a charm on my scars! I’ve recommended this guide to so many people and they all ended up clearing their scars just few months after following the recommendations in it.

Click here: Scar Solution Review, to read more about this guide.

Best ways and ideas to get rid of scars the scar solution e-book. Tips for doing away with all your unattractive scars, the how to fade acne scars. A few of the Most excellent natural treatments for scars, scar treatment products

Article from articlesbase.com


Saturday, August 27, 2011

Recommendations on The best way to Cure Scars Quickly � Scar Skin Cures

Recommendations on The best way to Cure Scars Quickly – Scar Skin Cures

There are so many tips on easy methods to eliminate scars quickly. If you want to get some of these Scar Skin Treatment tips, you can always find them just by browsing the web.

Hoverer, not all these tips you read on the net are always effective. Moreover, it is not always good to trust just anything because you desperately want to treat your scars quickly. Some times you can use a substance and instead cause permanent damage to your skin tone!

That is why it is very important that you take care when trying some of these tips on easy methods to do away with scars, which are being recommended allover web. If you want to get the best tips on the best way to remove scars quickly and safely, then I suggest you try learning form the professionals who know how these products work.


Today with the help of the internet, you really do not need to pay expensive sums of money to get face to face visits with professionals for Scar Skin Treatments. You can always get an online program designed by a professional, which will teach you how to treat your scars naturally and do that effectively and safely.

One of such program which can teach you the best tips on the right way to remove scars quickly is this one called the scat Solution. The scar Solution is an ebook which has some expert advice on what exactly you can use so as to naturally treat your scars and regain your scar free skin, thus boost your self confidence and enhance the way you feel about your self.

Do you want to get the best tips on methods to eliminate scar quickly? Do you want to get the best scar skin treatment tips that will totally treat all your ugly scars and give you a scar free body or face?
Follow this link: The Scar Solution, to read more about this natural scar removal guide, and discover how effective it is in eliminating scars.

How to deal with any types of scaring The scar solution, remove all your horrible scars scar solution book, The best natural treatments for scars, Scar fading Products

Article from articlesbase.com

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Friday, August 26, 2011

Laparoscopic Ectopic Pregnancy Evacuation Treatment solved only in Aastha Health Care Hospital

[GMB] radio episode 6 “I’m in love with a stripper!”

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Laparoscopic Ectopic Pregnancy Evacuation Treatment solved only in Aastha Health Care Hospital

What is Ectopic pregnancy?

Once the egg gets fertilized, it travels down the fallopian tube to uterus. But when the tubes are damaged or blocked and fail to propel the egg toward the womb, the egg may become implanted in the tube and continue to develop there. Because almost all Ectopic pregnancies occur in one of the fallopian tubes, they are often called “tubal” pregnancies. Much less often, an egg implants in an ovary, in the cervix, directly in the abdomen, or even in a c-section scar. In rare cases, a woman has a normal pregnancy in her uterus and an Ectopic pregnancy at the same time. This is called a heterotopic pregnancy and it’s more likely to happen if one has had fertility treatments, such as in-vitro fertilization.

There’s no way to transplant an Ectopic (literally, “out of place”) pregnancy into the uterus, so ending the pregnancy is the only option. In fact, if an Ectopic pregnancy is not recognized and treated, the embryo will grow until the fallopian tube ruptures, resulting in severe abdominal pain and bleeding. It can cause permanent damage to the tube or loss of the tube, and if it involves very heavy internal bleeding that’s not treated promptly, it can even lead to death. Fortunately, the vast majority of Ectopic pregnancies are caught in time.

What are the causes?

Many factors are known to increase the risk of having an Ectopic pregnancy. Anything that alters the tubal function may affect further pregnancies. Fallopian tubes are not like a hollow pipe that sits there with the egg rolling down. They have little hairs on the inside (cilia) which move with a wave-like motion to encourage the egg toward the womb. If the tube becomes blocked or the cilia damaged then ectopic is more likely. Besides this, there are some risk factors, like:

* Advancing age
* Pelvic inflammatory disease – eg. previous Chlamydia or gonorrhoea. Infection causes scar tissue adhesions in the tube and may damage the cilia. PID is one of the main causes of the increase seen in Ectopic pregnancies in recent years. Risk of an Ectopic pregnancy increases about 7-fold after a woman suffers acute pelvic infection.


* Tubal surgery – women who have had operations on their tubes are more at risk of Ectopic. This includes tubal ligation, reversal of sterilisation or tubal surgery for a previous Ectopic.
* Previous Ectopic – about 10-20% of those attempting pregnancy after one Ectopic will have another.
* DES exposure – this is a drug that was once used during pregnancy, until it was found that female babies of women who used it were at risk of developmental abnormalities of the genital system. Their tubes are more likely to be abnormal and predisposed to Ectopic pregnancy. This is a very rare problem.
* Previous termination of pregnancy – the risk of ectopic increases among those who have had two or more terminations, particularly if there was infection afterwards.
* IVF (test-tube baby) and ovulation induction – both these techniques of assisted reproduction are associated with increased chances of Ectopic pregnancy.

How is it diagnosed?

Ectopic pregnancy can be tricky to diagnose. If your symptoms suggest this type of pregnancy, your caregiver will do several tests to try to confirm the diagnosis :

A blood test- to check level of the pregnancy hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). If it’s high enough to suggest pregnancy, but not as high as it should be at your stage, the pregnancy may be ectopic. If you’re not in pain and there’s still some question about the diagnosis, the test may be repeated in two to three days. If your hCG level doesn’t increase as it’s supposed to, this probably indicates either an Ectopic pregnancy or a miscarriage.

A vaginal exam- If the vaginal area is very tender or your caregiver detects a mass or an enlarged fallopian tube, an Ectopic is likely the cause.

An ultrasound- If the sonographer can see an embryo in the fallopian tube, you definitely have an Ectopic pregnancy. But in most cases, the embryo will have died early in the process and be too small for the sonographer to find. Instead, she may notice that a fallopian tube is swollen, and may see blood clots as well as tissue that remain from the embryo.

If the diagnosis remains unclear, your tubes may be examined more closely by using laparoscopic surgery, a procedure that may also be used to treat an Ectopic pregnancy and remove the embryo (see below).

What is the prognosis?

The earlier you end an Ectopic pregnancy, the less damage you’ll have in that tube and the greater your chances will be of carrying another baby to term. And even if you do lose one of your tubes, you can still have a normal pregnancy as long as your other tube is normal. If and when you do conceive again, call your health practitioner as soon as you suspect that you might be pregnant so that she can schedule you for an early sonogram and monitor you closely. Overall, your chances of having another Ectopic pregnancy are about 10 to 15 percent, depending on what caused the first one and what type of treatment you had. That means that your overall chances of having a normal pregnancy next time are still very high – about 85 to 90 percent.

If, on the other hand, you’re unable to conceive because of Ectopic pregnancies or damaged tubes, the good news is that you’re likely to be an excellent candidate for fertility treatments such as in vitro fertilization (IVF), in which your healthy embryos are implanted directly in your uterus.

Benefits and drawbacks

So Laparoscopic hysterectomy has many advantages like:

* Less postoperative pain
* May shorten hospital stay
* May result in a quicker return to bowel function
* Quicker return to normal activity
* Better cosmetic results

For more information on Laparoscopic Ectopic Pregnancy Evacuation Treatment, kindly visit :


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Thursday, August 25, 2011

How To Remove Scars

How To Remove Scars

Scars are understandably a frustration for many people and can range from simply annoying to downright debilitating. Scars on the face are particularly distressing because they are so visible and consequently drive some to low self esteem and can even create a sense of shame. There are many creams on the market that claim to help treat scars, but the only completely effective method is scar removal surgery.

There are primarily three main methods of removing scars through surgery; these include plastic surgery, laser scar removal surgery, and cryosurgery.

The precise method of plastic surgery used to remove a scar will vary depending on the location and size of the scar. Generally speaking, plastic surgery involves removing the damaged skin completely and replacing it with healthy skin that was taken from somewhere else on the body, a procedure known as skin grafting.


Another method of plastic surgery involves removing the scar and then sewing the wound back together again in the hope of it healing much more tidily the second time, leaving a much less noticeable scar. Laser surgery has become a popular and highly effective method of removing unwanted scars. The kind of laser surgery used depends on the kind of scar, in particular what caused the scar.

Acne scars can be successfully cleared away with a carbon dioxide laser beam, but other more severe scars require the pulse dye laser. The idea behind laser surgery is that extremely high energy light can be accurately targeted on the scarred tissue, eliminating unwanted skin and letting the healthy skin below come through.

Lastly is cryosurgery, a method which involves freezing the scar. The idea behind cryosurgery is that the damaged skin which the scar consists of cannot withstand the freezing and wears away without damaging the surrounding skin. This method is best used for scars which are large and raised. This method can be a bit painful as it usually consists of applying extremely cold liquid nitrogen directly to your skin without anesthesia.

Removing a scar isn’t cheap, but the exact cost varies widely with the size of the scar. Costs range anywhere from three hundred dollars to fifteen thousand dollars. The more expensive surgeries usually require multiple sessions due to the severity of the scar. Costs also include anesthesia and the specific kind of laser required. Due to the high costs it is probably a good idea to try a sar treatment gel and other medications first, but if they prove ineffective it is good to know that surgery provides an effective, if costly, remedy to those unwanted scars.

Joe trains 5 times a week at Bally’s Gym in Orange County. A long-time fitness enthusiast, he recommends that you buy ephedrine and buy ephedra from Astronutrition.

Article from articlesbase.com

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What is Frozen Pelvis?

What is Frozen Pelvis?

Endometriosis is a growing concern among women today. Endometriosis is a condition where tissue similar to the endometrial glands and stroma that line the uterus grows outside of the uterus. Endometriosis tissue can grow anywhere inside of the abdominal cavity. The symptoms of endometriosis include severe pelvic pain, heavy or erratic bleeding and fatigue. If the endometriosis spreads through the abdominal cavity and fuses organs together, it is referred to as frozen pelvis.

If you have been diagnosed with frozen pelvis, you may have a lot of questions. Frozen pelvis is caused by pelvic inflammation, most commonly endometriosis. Frozen pelvis can cause a lot of different problems. Each individual inflicted with frozen pelvis will have a unique diagnosis. Your intestine may be fused with the uterus, your bladder can be fused with your abdominal wall, or your ovaries and fallopian tubes can be fused with your uterus, which is fused with a cesarean section scar. Every situation is unique and the problems can be widespread.

You may be wondering why this happened to you. Many women have the same question. Endometriosis occurs when uterine lining, normally shed during menstruation, moves upward in the uterus, through the fallopian tubes, and out into the abdominal cavity. This tissue is very irritating to the abdominal tissues and can cause the abdominal tissue to become sticky and scarred. Long strands of scar tissue, called adhesions, can bind organs together. They pull on the organs that they inflict and can affect their function. This can cause bowels to be obstructed. It can cause your bladder not to empty, causing infections. In many cases, surgery and/or medication will be recommended if problems like this are occurring.


Infertility is another possible side effect of endometriosis. To determine that endometriosis is the cause of infertility, a surgical procedure called laparoscopy may be performed. This allows your doctor to see inside of your abdominal cavity with a small scope. Your doctor may determine that endometriosis is one possible cause of infertility if it is adhering to your ovaries and fallopian tubes, or distorting your reproductive organs in any way. Endometriosis can cause tubes to be blocked or ovaries to adhere to abdominal walls or your uterus. In rare cases the endometriosis can grow into your ovaries and damage your eggs, resulting in a reduced egg quality or quantity.

Your next question is probably about treatment options. Frozen pelvis is an advance stage of endometriosis and may require ongoing treatment for fertility to return or to have relief from its debilitating symptoms. Surgery, hormone therapy and physical therapy can all help you get on your way to healing.

The endometrial cells that are causing your frozen pelvis react to hormones in a manner similar to your uterine lining. This means that the cells thicken and shed just like having a menstrual period inside of your body. Blood and endometrial cells can pool up, since they have nowhere to go, causing a lot of pain. Birth control pills can help the problem tissues shrink and cause fewer problems. The growth of the tissues can be controlled long-term in this manner. Anti-inflammatory medications help with pain. Exercise, stretching and palpation of the affected area can help some of the adhesions break loose from your organs. Talk to your doctor about what options are best for your personal situation and good luck with your journey to fertility and relief.

About the Author: Eric Daiter is the medical director of The NJ Center for Fertility and Reproductive Medicine, LLC, a leading NEW JERSEY INFERTILITY CENTER that offers a complete range of MALE INFERTILITY AND FEMALE INFERTILITY TREATMENT. For more information on The NJ Center for Fertility and Reproductive Medicine and Dr. Eric Daiter please visit www.drericdaitermd.com.

Article from articlesbase.com


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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Smart Lipo � Smarter for Stubborn Fatty Areas Than Liposuction

Smart Lipo – Smarter for Stubborn Fatty Areas Than Liposuction

Fat. It’s part of the human condition. It accumulates under our skin, especially as we get older, right where we don’t want it. Diet and exercise can really help, and they’re good for our general health, too, so they’re the first line of attack against overweight. But sometimes even the high-power gym types, the folks who work out all the time, simply can’t get rid of those lumpy, fatty areas. Many of my patients are asking me about a new treatment they’re hearing about, called “Smart Lipo.”

What is Smart Lipo? It’s laser liposuction, and it’s a new method of “body sculpting” for fatty areas. It’s not a solution for overweight or a replacement for other treatments addressing larger areas that need reduction. What it does is target limited areas and remove the fat, with certain advantages over previous options for this kind of treatment.

Here’s an example. I had a client call me the other day about this new treatment – “Is it right for me?” she asked. She is a very fit, active middle-aged mother of three children in college and beyond. “It’s driving me crazy,” she said – “my weenie roll.” What? Saddlebags, love handles, OK, but – what was this?

Turns out that’s what she calls a roll of fat across her lower abdomen, about the size and shape of a ballpark frankfurter. Although that part of her is in very good tone, she has a C-section scar there, and her pregnancies have loosened her skin just enough that fat accumulates above the scar. She hates the way it makes the front of her pants, not to mention her swimsuit, bulge out.


Alternatives for a patient like this, in the past, have included surgery – for instance, the procedure called the tummy tuck. Or a cosmetic dermatologist might have recommended traditional liposuction. The advantages of laser liposuction over both of these procedures include avoiding general anesthesia and the recovery process associated with that. Tummy tuck surgery generally involves loosening and redraping the skin. Both procedures are considered invasive, and they are more than a patient like this one needs for a localized fat problem. Standard liposuction can also leave grooves and ripples on the surface of the loosened skin, giving patients less improvement in appearance than they hoped for.

Laser liposuction is a minimally invasive procedure, done in the office under local anesthesia. Here’s how it works: laser energy targets the fat cells and liquefies them. They are then withdrawn with super-fine tubes. The laser energy also seals off fine blood vessels, reducing blood leakage and bruising in the tissues. No stitches are necessary, and there’s minimal scarring. This procedure also stimulates collagen production and causes a tightening of the skin over the area, another benefit over regular liposuction. After the procedure, the patient wears a compression garment for a week or two.

Smart Lipo is a low-pain procedure, accomplished in a relatively short amount of time. Recovery time is less than with standard liposuction, usually a day or two as opposed to a week. Many patients see the results they want after a single treatment.

“Is it safe?” my client wanted to know. The record is very good; Smart Lipo has been in widespread use for several years in Europe and South America, and the FDA approved it here in the US over a year ago.

That’s what I told this client about Smart Lipo, and it’s what I’m telling others who ask. Smart Lipo can be the answer for many of the fat problems that drive us crazy: besides love handles and saddlebags, the tummy fat, arms and thigh fat, jowls and neck and under the chin fat, back fat, and male chest fat (yes, I am talking about man boobs). So this did turn out to be a perfect treatment for my client and her abdominal fat, and for anyone looking to remove limited amounts of fat in targeted areas, up to about eight pounds. Anyone desiring to remove more fat than this will want to discuss one of the other procedures with a cosmetic dermatologist or other professional specialist.

But aren’t we lucky to live at a time when technology is giving us such great, individualized, smart alternatives for getting rid of pesky fat?

James C. Fairfield, MD has established the oldest and most respected dermatology practice in the Delaware Valley. For more free cosmetic dermatology information and resources and to sign up for his free report, Erase the Years, visit his web site at http://www.cmderm.com

Article from articlesbase.com

Question from auntietawnie: could this be a pregnancy?
I started my period a couple of days ago, and on the first day only used 1 pad the entire day. I bleed the most at night, but when I woke up the next day there was nothing. I went the whole day with no bleeding, and Have had no bleeding today. I am however having major cramps that make me want to cry. My stomach is really tender to the touch. “my husband rub across my stomach last night and I screamed out in pain” Cleaning the house makes me hurt worse as well. I have had 2 pregnancy before and both children are healthy as can be. With my son I had a c-section and it feels like the pain is coming from the scar “as stupid as that sounds that’s what it feels like” We are being extremely care full to not get pregnant “birth control pills and condoms are in use”. Could I still have gotten pregnant, and it possibly be a tubal “or ectopic” pregnancy, or does it sound as though there is something else wrong. Oh and to add in the pain worsens when I set down to use the rest room..

Best answers:

Answer by vlmurray1
Go to the doctor and get yourself checked out. This is the best thing you can do. Seek medical attention.

Answer by L O
to be honest i would go see your doctor asap it don’t sound like pregnancy could be and assist maybe in your lower abdominal that can have an affect on period i really would go to doc s first thing in morning

Answer by Erika W
You can be pregnant. You could be going through PMS. The only way to be sure is call your doctor you might have fribriods in your uterus that’s common in women and could be confused for pregnancy

Give your answer to this question below!


Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Stretch Mark Removal Q

Image by Veronica Foale

Stretch Mark Removal Q

For anyone who has acquired the annoying blemishes, stretch mark removal is an important subject. Fortunately, for every question on stretch marks and how to be rid of them, theres a good answer. Here are some answers to frequently asked questions on the topic.

1) Can stretch marks go away?

This is almost always the most often asked question regarding stretch marks. The truth is that stretch marks do not simply go away; at least not completely. What stretch marks do, however, is fade. While you will probably always be able to see where the marks are if you are looking hard for them, they will fade over time and become less and less noticeable. In the cases of many people, they become hard to see at all.

2) How can you naturally get rid of stretch marks?

Just as your stretch marks are unlikely to completely disappear on their own, there are only so many things that you can do to help them disappear, especially with natural treatments. One of the most recommended stretch mark treatments using natural products definitely is to use cocoa butter. A lot of times, cocoa butter can be found inexpensively in stick form, if you look at a few stores.

3) How strong of an acid chemical peel is needed to get rid of stretch marks?

Another common question in regards to stretch mark removal has to do with acid chemical peels, or in particular, what strength is needed to remove stretch marks. While all stretch marks are different and there is no one correct answer because of that, its generally true that deeper, more severe scars require chemical peels of greater intensity. There are at-home chemical peel kits, but you will probably get best results after consulting with a dermatologist.


4) How can you prevent stretch marks?

A lot of people smartly focus on preventing stretch marks, rather than worrying about what to do after they appear. In a lot of cases, stretch marks are not something you can control, as with growth spurts and other times. During pregnancies or other times where they may appear, you can prevent them as much as possible by using cocoa butter during the process, which may not always prevent them altogether, but will help them to be less severe for sure.

5) Whats the best way to hide stretch marks?

One way to hide stretch marks is with good, old fashioned makeup. If you are going to be swimming or doing a similar activity where this isnt an option, simply try to select clothes or a swimsuit which will obscure them as much as possible. Also, you can use spray-on tan substances and see good results in many cases.

6) Is Vitamin E good for stretch marks?

Vitamin E is actually a great way to both diminish stretch marks and to keep new ones from occurring. This is for a couple of reasons, but the most simple way to explain it is that Vitamin E makes your skin firmer (to resist tearing) yet also more elastic (to help it cope with the stretching).

7) Does Bio Oil really work for stretch marks?

Bio Oil is often recommended to those that want to get rid of stretch marks, but everyone wants to know whether it works before taking the plunge. Many people have reported good results, as long as the product is used twice daily and you follow the instructions. Of course, less severe scars will always show the most improvement, but thats true with any treatment!

'8)' How can you get rid of stretch marks at home?

There are a lot of good ways to do this. As mentioned earlier, cocoa butter as well as Vitamin E are great options that can be done at home. Some people also combine virgin olive oil, aloe vera, and Vitamins E and A into an ointment to rub into their skin, and they swear by the technique.

9) What is the best way to get rid of stretch marks?

This answer really depends on a couple of things. Mainly, it depends on the severity of your stretch marks and how ambitious your goals are. Theres no beating laser treatment or plastic surgery for results, but if thats not in your price range, or your stretch marks arent that serious, other remedies such as stretch mark removal cream and treatments are also great.

10) How do you get rid of stretch marks from pregnancy?

Stretch marks from pregnancy can be treated just like any other stretch marks. They arent really different in any meaningful way. The main difference is that you know that they may happen, so you can take preventative measures with lotions and cocoa butter to keep them from becoming worse than they need to be!

Now you have all of the basic information that you need to know about stretch mark removal. You dont have to be self-conscious of your stretch marks for the rest of your life! Try some of these methods, and you may be surprised by the results.

Interested in losing those stretch marks? Find out how you can get started fading them today with this proven all natural solution for treating stretch marks. For more tips on reducing stretch marks and cellulite visit: http://www.naturalwayofgettingridofcellulite.com

Article from articlesbase.com


Monday, August 22, 2011

Discover Where You Should Buy Revitol Scars Eliminator Treatment � Does Revitol Acne Scarring Function

Discover Where You Should Buy Revitol Scars Eliminator Treatment – Does Revitol Acne Scarring Function

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Revitol Scar Reduction Treatments successfully works on reducing the appearance of scar issues resulting from pimples, wounds, burns or surgery until they are totally faded. This particular product is certainly induced by using all natural materials that include minerals, vitamins and or proteins that are necessary for beautiful skin. The mixture of these organic components enhance the actual revival of skin cells and cell structure, of which lead to the reconstruction of skin. Fresh, new and more youthful skin is lighter, smoother, softer, and definitely scar-free. These are all the guaranteed outcomes of using Revitol Scar Removers Remedy on the skin. Forget the times of lower self-esteem or the instances when all you wanted to do was hide your face due to the hideous spots brought on by pimples or allergy. You can face the world with confidence with Revitol Scar Removal Product.


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Article from articlesbase.com
