Thursday, August 11, 2011

Sugar Causes Acne Indirectly

Sugar Causes Acne Indirectly

Many people are curious if sugar causes acne. It is partly true because sugar affects the hormones in our body that eventually causes acne. Generally, people are advised to avoid certain food because it is thought to cause acne. The god news is that we can still eat what we like with a little awareness on the amount of food and the ingredients that made up the food we eat.

How sugar causes acne begins with the very food we eat. Refined sugar and food that contains refine sugar or have high-glycemic index (GI) food dumps sugar into the blood stream much faster and easily than low-glycemic index food or food that needs more time to break down in digestion thus making it to release sugar into the blood stream much slowly over time.

When our blood sugar level increase, it poses some effects on the hormones in our body which includes those that can triggers acne. Usually, our body will need chromium to balance out the extra sugar in the blood stream. This means, the more sugar intake will require more chromium intake. It is normal that at times, even when we think that eat healthily but the food had gone through a processing stage that causes the food to contain less chromium than it originally had.

Increased of blood sugar level increases the risk of acne and other health problems such as weight gain; and also severe ones like diabetes. The 2 key areas to monitor is the GI of the food we eat and also the amount of chromium we ingest.

Foods that are rich in chromium mineral are onions, tomatoes, yeast, liver and Romaine lettuce. Food that have high GI such as refined sugar should be eaten less and food that have high GI that is highly recommended includes whole grain, cereals, nuts, soybean, some fruits such as bananas.

Sugar causes acne but not directly and it is through the hormones imbalance that is affected the food we eat. It is important to eat mindfully and with awareness to ensure that the food we eat are safe and that we can maintain control over acne and clear our skin from it.

Natural treatments for acne are a safe and effective approach. Eating healthy to prevent acne is not about being boring and avoiding tasty food. Learn how you can eat just like normal as a�natural treatment for acne here.

For more information, guide and tips on natural skin care, visit skin care label.

Article from

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