Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Stretch Mark Q&A

Image by ninasaurusrex

Stretch Mark Q&A

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27 weeks pregnant and Here come the stretch grades?
My mom noticed today that I have a markedly small,shiny stretch mark above my bellybutton. So I have a interview. Should I expect more all over since one has already appeared? The one and only ‘tense’ spot on my stomach so far is my bellybutton. The…

29wks preg skinny n put on just any weight-yet hold stretch grades on my bums and thighs!?
im 29 wks pregnant havnt put on much weight at al yet i own stretch marks on my bum and thighs, why is that? i dont hav any stretch marks on my belly theyre jsut on my hips…

3 MONTHS near stretch grades already??
i am 16 and i am having my first baby (i dont want to hear i am to youthful thats not what im asking) i am getting stretch marks on my boobs and it looks like im starting to return with the long vertical one that goes down…

3 months put money on I get stretch results of my abs removed by cosmetic surgery,Will I hold any problem surrounded by pregnency?
No, it will not have an effect on your pregnancy. However, it will enjoy an effect on your skin.. I would recommend using “Palmer’s Body Butter” it is great,…

3 weeks and I still own stretch results. Help!!?
I gave birth to my little one 3 weeks ago and I still got my stretch grades and belly line. I been Using cocoa butter everyday. Any direction? Cocoa butter formulas definitely give support to They may take a while, but they’ll go away and…

30 weeks pregnant – stretch grades??
Can you notice stretch marks while you’re pregnant? What do they look similar to? After giving birth you can see all stretch marks, right…even if you didn’t hold them with your belly? I don’t have any itching or anything nonetheless. Just wondering… Yeah you will become aware of them…

30 weeks pregnant and getting massive stretch grades.?
any help on how to keep them from growing?? they itch approaching crazy lol… i use cocoa butter like every day but it doesnt give the impression of being to be helping… and of course i drink a ton of water so.yeah. DOES YOUR MOM HAVE STRETCH…

30 weeks pregnant…Tanning surrounded by the sun and stretch grades.?
I know that it’s ok to tan in the sun during pregnancy, so long that it’s not extremely hot outside, and you stay relatively cool. I don’t plan on tanning my stomach, in recent times my arms, legs, chest and face. However, I’ve heard…


30 weeks pregnant–stretch results?
i have a few stretch marks on my hips, but nowhere else. Will i carry any on my belly? some women dont get any stretch results at all..mine are all over the place, trust me your lucky! You won’t really know until they come, I get some with my…

30 year work out? Cellulite, stretch grades, on a small woman?
My boyfriend and I are in a long distance relationship atm, and I have not see him in 2 months. I have gain abit for weight, well certainly according to the scale I have lost 2 ponds contained by the past 2 months. But…

31 weeks pregnant…no stretch results…also extremely dizzy…common?
I didn’t own stretch marks until week 38 1/2 and when I did get them, they aren’t amazingly noticable. Just cross your fingers and keep hoping you don’t get them. You really should telephone the doctor about being dizzy. Not everyone gets stretch marks, they’re genetic….

32 weeks and no stretch results?
NOT COMPLAINING lol!! just really praying that i won’t get any… did u own them at 32 weeks? if not did u get them then on ur pregnancy?? Just looking to know what others have experienced ':)' THANKS never had mine during my pregnancy…had them after nativity…so sad…but…

32 weeks next to no stretch grades, probability of making it to 40 weeks?
Any personal experience or thoughts on how likely it is that I’ll make it the subsequent 8(-10) weeks without getting stretch marks on my belly? Anyone else get hold of this far thinking they were home-free and then wake up up…

32 weeks pregnant own stretch grades almost everywhere but my stomach ?
Well I guess I have gained some Weight considering I go from 108 pounds to 135 and im 5′6. Anyways I have stretch marks on my boobs because I go from an small B cup to A C cup and my bottom has…

33 weeks pregnant and i dont own any stretch results do you cogitate im gonna bring them?
i’m 38 weeks. i’m praying i don’t get any these ultimate 2 weeks! i’ve been using cocoa butter from plamers since i found out i was pregnant and i really reason it has helped me. i didn’t believe…

34 weeks pregnant and self competent to keep under surveillance stretch grades appear..?
Okay, I can pretty much watch stretch marks appear on my belly. It’s realy irritating. I didn’t ever find stretch Marks until yesterday. I seriosly watched one of them appear. Today I got a few more. =[ Is at hand anything I…

34 weeks pregnant and suddenly getting stretch grades?
Did anyone go this far then adjectives of a sudden get stretch marks? I have really bad braxton hicks contractions on Monday and had a rough dark then when I woke up on Tuesday, I had stretch grades. I know this is normal to get them but…

35 weeks next to fluffy stretch results 2 piece query sustain??
well I’m 35 weeks pregnant,,,and about a 3 weeks ago I get these little marks on my lower tummy under the belly botton very soon some more came out but they are really lite u can hardly see them in good health they get…

35 weeks pregnant and freshly get some purple stretch grades?
Will they stay purple or will they fade? I have heard that the stretch grades are like bruises. I just hold a few on my sides and like 3 on the bottom of my belly. I know that people find them, but the “purpleness”…

35 weeks pregnant and one and only stretch grades contained by GROIN nouns. what?
I was wondering if this was from hormones or if anyone else have had this? I find it funny and odd. I propose there they are, both sides, no where else. I’ve gain at least 40lbs. …

35 Weeks Pregnant, Anyone Else Get Stretch Marks Inside Their Butt Crack?
Just Wondering If Anyone Else Got Large Stretch Marks INSIDE Their Butt Crack? I Have None Anywhere Else Except My Groin And Boobs (Expected) Wow…i don’t know how you spotted that lol but i guess thats pretty lucky if they are here…unfortunatley i…

36 weeks and in a minute stretch results, anyway to stop them?
I used Coco butter everyday, and now all the sudden at 36 weeks I hold stretch marks. Its not the stretch marks that are bothering me its the niggle they cause? Why do they hurt so bad, And how can I start to…

36 Wks Pregnant – Itchy Stretch Marks?
Hi to the mothers that know the feeling.! I’m 36 wks pregnant, and throughout my pregnancy I have used bio-oil, and Shea Butter Stretch Mark Cream sunshine and night. Unfortunatly this didn’t keep the stretch results away, In the past week my belly has be SOOO itchy,…

37 weeks 3 days – no sign of stretch results?
I’m keeping my fingers crossed! I’ve gained about 26 lbs and so far so pious but I got news today that she’s ‘run out of room’ inside lol and I’m worried presently that there is so little room I’m basically going to ‘rip’ on the…

37 weeks and stretch results are inflamed,itchy, and impulsive approaching?
37 weeks along my stretch marks are inflamed, itchy, and have tiny red bumps on them similar to a rash. i have be putting lotion on it and i mix it up its not the same lotion that i use. i have also used first…

Article from

Question from Dragon Slayer™: The question was “stretch marks…”?
My answer was “yep, I got’em”
This was reported as abuse, do you belive it should have been?
If so help me understand why.

Best answers:

Answer by jrsygrl
No. That is so stupid

Answer by Snarf
Having stretch marks is a violation.

Answer by luvtono
what the heck? You know women and stretch marks some can be really touchy. No. Why didn’t the person asking the question reported.

Give your answer to this question below!

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