Wednesday, June 22, 2011


How Is Abdominoplasty Surgery Performed? Newport Beach Plastic Surgery



All you need to know about the TUMMY TUCK�PROCEDURE AND MORE…�Including location where to get it done safely�at an affordable price.

�1)���������������� What is a Tummy Tuck procedure?

A tummy tuck, also known as Abdominoplasty surgery, is the most effective way to tighten and reduce excess weight in your stomach or abdomen region. Abdominoplasty will remove the following: loose or wrinkled skin, stretch marks between the belly button and pubic region, and fat tissue in the lower abdomen. The abdominal wall muscles are tightened so that your abdomen does not protrude. A description with additional information is stated below under Question #2.

2)���������������� Is the Abdominoplasty procedure the same as Tummy Tuck?

Yes, an Abdominoplasty procedure is the same as a Tummy Tuck procedure � they are synonymous with one another. Abdominoplasty, commonly referred to as a Tummy Tuck, is a popular cosmetic surgery procedure used to tighten overly stretched abdominal muscles and skin in an effort to achieve a smoother, flatter appearance. Whether stretched by factors such as weight gain, weight loss, pregnancy, etc., the abdomen frequently fails to return to its original shape. Stretched beyond the capacity to return to normal, abdominal tissues don’t always respond to various exercise and diet programs. In such cases, a Tummy Tuck may provide a highly effective, immediate solution in the treatment of stubborn abdominal areas. In short, a Tummy Tuck may dramatically tighten the abdominal muscles as well as remove sagging, excess skin and accumulated fatty tissue.� Consult us at �for additional information or to schedule a procedure go to�

3)���������������� What are the different types of Tummy Tuck procedures?

There are different types of Tummy Tuck procedures suited for every patient. All types of Abdominoplasty procedures, as detailed below, involve the removal of excess skin and the tightening of abdominal muscles, except for the endoscopic Abdominoplasty.

The Endoscopic Tummy Tuck (Partial / Mini Tummy Tuck) only involves the tightening of abdominal muscles and the removal of small amounts of fat. No skin is removed. When a mini Tummy Tuck is performed, the surgeon only works on improving the area below the navel. The Traditional Tummy Tuck (Extended / Full Tummy Tuck) procedure addresses imperfections in the entire abdominal area both above and below the navel. An extended Tummy Tuck can also improve the appearance of love handles on either side of the hips, in addition to the abdominal area. A Circumferential Abdominoplasty (360 Tummy Tuck) is usually performed when a massive amount of weight loss has taken place, leaving an apron of loose skin around the entire body. This procedure may also be referred to as a lower body lift.

4)���������������� What are the areas a Tummy Tuck will deal with?

The following is a list of the areas a Tummy Tuck will reconstruct:�

Loose or wrinkly skin, stretch marks. This can be a result of ageing, pregnancy, or marked weight loss; Fat tissue, most of the time seen in the lower abdomen; Muscle separation, which can occur by itself, or as a result of pregnancy. Sit-ups or crunches don’t help in this situation as once the muscles relax, they separate and the tummy bulges out; and Liposuction alone can take care of excess fat tissue, but loose skin and stretch marks must be addressed by one of three techniques: dermatolipectomy (a procedure that takes out skin and fat but does not tighten the abdominal muscles), mini-tummy tuck, or full tummy tuck.

5)���������������� What is the difference between Mini-Tuck and a Classical, or Full Tuck?�

In a Mini-Tuck, an incision is made along the upper margin of the pubic hair; it is performed through your c-section scar and only a small strip of skin (hypodermis) or no skin is removed but the abdominal wall muscles are tightened. The muscle tightening is not included in this operation and the navel is left in its original position. The Mini-Tuck is the ideal intervention for tightening flabby skin on patients without any serious weight- or fat concerns. This procedure helps remove excess wrinkled and folded skin (extra tissue, or: pannus) within the abdominal area.�

A Full Abdominoplasty is one where there is a hip to hip incision and a larger portion of skin is removed.

6)���������������� What happens with the navel?

With the mini-tuck the navel is left in its original position. With a full tuck, which also includes the tightening of the underlying muscle tissue, the navel is removed and repositioned at the end of the surgery.

7)���������������� What else can I learn about the navel ?

A younger naval tends to be round, but with maturity the naval tends to flatten horizontally. A Tummy Tuck does not necessarily make the naval round again, but thanks to the tightened skin after a tuck, it is generally rounder and younger looking than before the surgery.

8)���������������� Is the Plastic Surgery on the Abdomen always done under general anesthesia?

�A full tuck, which may include the tightening of the underlying muscles, requires general anesthesia with sometimes an over night stay at the clinic.

9)���������������� Is there a difference in price from a full to a mini Abdominoplasty?

Yes, there is a difference in price to have a full versus a mini Abdominoplasty. Prices may vary from about ,000 to ,000 for a mini Abdominoplasty and from 00 to 00 for a full Abdominoplasty procedure. To get a free quote from Cosmetic Harmony, contact us through our website at

10)������������ What is the cost of an Abdominoplasty or Tummy Tuck procedure?

The physician’s surgical fee for the three types of tummy tucks (mini tummy tuck, complete tummy tuck, circumferential tummy tuck) range from 00 to ,500. Hospital charges, liposuction of the waist, flanks, abdomen and anesthesia are in addition to the physician’s fee.� All follow up office visits are usually included in the surgeon's surgical fee. At Cosmetic Harmony the package includes all of the above for an affordable, all-inclusive cost.

11)������������ Who is an ideal candidate for a tummy tuck?

There are several important factors that must be considered when determining whether or not Abdominoplasty is the appropriate procedure. During the consultation visit with the surgeon, it is recommended that the patient ask the surgeon if they feel the patient is a good candidate for Abdominoplasty. In determining one's readiness for Abdominoplasty, the patient should:

be realistic with the Tummy Tuck expectations; be 18 years of age or older; be mature enough to fully understand the procedure; be in relatively good physical condition; be in good psychological health; not be pregnant or planning on becoming pregnant within the next 5 years; and not be severely overweight.

12)������������ When should I have this surgery?

It is likely you are ready to have a Tummy Tuck when the following concerns are present:

when the abdomen has unattractive fatty folds of skin; when you want a flat “tummy”; when you have a limp and flabby “tummy” due to pregnancies or rapid weight loss; and when the muscle-skin structure of the abdomen relaxes or sags due to an incorrect or sedentary life style.

13)������������ How will a Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty) improve my personal life?

The benefits to your appearance include a flatter, firmer belly, a smoother stomach contour, and a narrower waist. Abdominoplasty also benefits many patients with abdominal stretch marks. In many cases, stretch marks below the navel are removed along with the excess skin at the close of the procedure, while the appearance of the remaining stretch marks is often improved when the skin of the abdomen is pulled taut. A flat and well-toned abdomen is something many of us strive for through exercise and weight control. Sometimes these methods cannot achieve our goals. Even individuals of otherwise normal body weight and proportion can develop an abdomen that protrudes or is loose and sagging. Tummy Tuck will help you gain your confidence back, restoring your beauty and improve even your sexual life.

14)������������ What does dermatolipectomy mean?

A dermatolipectomy is a procedure that takes out skin and fat but does not tighten the abdominal muscles. It benefits most slender women who have wrinkly or excess skin but good muscle tone. It has the same scar as a tummy tuck.

15)������������ Should I get a mini tummy tuck? Who is it best suited for?

A mini Tummy Tuck is best suited for women who don’t have stretch marks or saggy skin, but have a pouch below the belly button. It can be done through an incision in the belly button, or through a C section scar if the patient wants a little excess skin taken off.

Men, on the other hand, seem to have their pouch above the belly button. A doctor performs the mini Tummy Tuck in the same fashion by going thru a small incision in the belly button. For more help deciding if a mini Tummy Tuck is right for you, consult Cosmetic Harmony's doctors at

16)������������ In What condition is a mini Tummy Tuck really needed?�

A mini Tummy Tuck is done when there is a very localized fullness in the lower abdomen, so that less muscle repair and skin removal is needed. The partial Abdominoplasty (mini tummy tuck) requires one-to-two hours in surgery.

17)������������ When should I consider a full tummy tuck?

The full Tummy Tuck or Abdominoplasty addresses the three components of abdominal deformity (skin, fat, muscle) so it benefits most women who want a flat stomach with skin as tight as possible. The results � especially when combined with liposuction of the flanks � are dramatic. Consult with a doctor at to find out which procedure will fit your needs.

18)������������ Would I have a flat abdomen after a tummy tuck?

The Abdominoplasty or Tummy Tuck surgery is combined with an abdominal panel binder (APB). This procedure assures that after all the inflammation is gone (3-to-6 months) your abdomen wall is 80% to 100%� flat and in 80% of the cases free of stretch marks as well. This procedure also helps the patient to continue loosing weight even months after surgery. (Also read below concerning Abdominal etching).

19)������������ What is an Abdominal Panel Binder or APB?

It is a procedure done during the Tummy Tuck operation that helps to tighten the abdominal muscles. The combination of APB and a dermalipectomy �offer the best and most dramatic improvements in abdominal contour. A Tummy Tuck without an Abdominal Panel Binder will not reduce the waist line.

20)������������ Is it possible to combine an Abdominoplasty with a Liposuction?

Yes. For a better final result Abdominoplasty is often combined with fat removal of adjacent areas like the hips or the upper abdominal area. Discuss the possibility of additional liposuction of separate adjacent areas with your surgeon during the consultation.



�Until next time…

Angelina Cooper

Angelina Cooper is an independent consultant and also a Sales Representative for the cosmetic surgery industry, helping people to find the right answers about plastic surgeries, doctors and location. Working as a Consultant since 1998, Angelina Cooper has helped many women and men to get their self-esteem and confidence back while getting a new and better look. You can Contact Mrs.Cooper at:

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